Webinars and Other Videos

Project webinars and videos are also available on the Clear Roads YouTube channel.

Research Project Webinars

Clear Roads project webinars provide an inside look at completed research by capturing the investigators’ final presentations of their work. For more information on any of the studies below, click the project number.

Effects of Additives in Deicing Salts at Lower Temperatures Project 22-03
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University
January 2025.

Best Management Practices for Liquid Chloride Storage and Pumping Systems Project 22-02
Investigator final presentation by Karalyn Clouser of the Western Transportation Institute.
December 2024.

Training Module Development for Evaluation of Storm Severity Index and Winter Severity Index Variables Project 21-04
Investigator final presentation by Wilfrid Nixon of the University of Iowa.
July 2024.

Update to CR 13-04: Best Practices for Protecting DOT Equipment from the Corrosion Effect of Chemical Deicers Project 21-02
Investigator final presentation by Xianming Shi of Washington State University.
August 2024.

Using GIS to Highlight Highway Segments Sensitive to Deicing MaterialsProject 20-05
Investigator final presentation by Mark Gallagher of SRF Consulting Group.
March 2024.

Standard Test Procedures for Ice Melting Capacity of DeicersProject 18-06
Investigator final presentation by Xianming Shi of Washington State University.
March 2024.

Calculating Plow Cycle Times from AVL DataProject 21-06
Investigator final presentation by Ming-Shiun Lee and Mallory Crow of AECOM.
February 2024.

Efficacy, Cost, and Impacts of Non-Chloride DeicersProject 21-03
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of Montana State University.
September 2023.

Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Technologies and Alternative Fuels for Winter OperationsProject 21-05
Investigator final presentation by Katherine Vigneau of Matrix Consulting Group.
March 2023.

Expanded Use of AVL/GPS TechnologyProject 20-04
Investigator final presentation by Ming-Shiun Lee of AECOM.
January 2023.

High Performance Blade EvaluationProject 18-02
Investigator final presentation by William Schneider of the University of Akron.
January 2023.

Understanding the NaCl Phase DiagramProject 20-02
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of Montana State University.
June 2022.

Measuring the Efficiencies of Tow Plows and Wing PlowsProject 19-03
Investigator final presentation by Ty Lasky of University of California-Davis.
January 2022.

Expanding Application Rate Guidance for Salt Brine Blends for Direct Liquid Application and Anti-icingProject 19-01
Investigator final presentation by David Noyce and Andrea Bill of University of Wisconsin-Madison.
December 2021.

Synthesis of Technical Requirements and Considerations for Automated Snowplow Route OptimizationProject 19-04
Investigator final presentation by Jonathan Dowds of University of Vermont Transportation Research Center.
October 2021.

Entry-Level Driver Training (CDL) for Maintenance Equipment OperatorsProject 20-01
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of the Western Transportation Institute.
September 2021.

Recruitment and Retention of Highway Maintenance WorkersProject 19-02
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of the Western Transportation Institute.
June 2021.

Review and Summary of Pre-wet Methods and ProceduresProject 18-04
Investigator final presentation by Xianming Shi of Washington State University.
June 2021.

Aftermarket Cameras in Winter Maintenance VehiclesProject 17-03
Investigator final presentation by Mark Gallagher of SRF Consulting Group.
June 2021.

Evaluation of SSI and WSI VariablesProject 18-03
Investigator final presentation by Chris Albrecht of the Narwhal Group and Laura Fay of Montana State University.
December 2020.

Integrating Advanced Technologies into Winter Operations DecisionsProject 17-01
Investigator final presentation by Chris Curd of SRF Consulting Group.
December 2020.

Defensive Driving for Snowplow OperatorsProject 18-01
Investigator final presentation by Matthew Camden of Virginia Tech.
August 2020.

Alternative Methods for DeicingProject 18-05
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay and Karalyn Clouser of Montana State University.
May 2020.

Standard Specifications for Plow Blades with Carbide InsertsProject 17-02
Investigator final presentation by Eric Minge and Jeremy Sala of SRF Consulting Group.
March 2020.

Standards and Guidance for Using Mobile Sensor Technology to Assess Winter Road ConditionsProject 16-03
Investigator final presentation by Mark Gallagher and Kate Hvizdos of SRF Consulting Group.
April 2019.

AWSSI Enhancements in Support of Winter Road MaintenanceProject 16-02
Investigator final presentation by Mike Timlin and Steve Hilberg of the Midwestern Regional Climate Center.
February 2019.

Synthesis of Material Application Methodologies for Winter OperationsProject 15-01
Investigator final presentation by Michelle Akin of Washington State University.
February 2019.

Developing a Training Video and Manual for Best Practices and Techniques in Clearing Different Interchange Configurations and Other Geometric LayoutsProject 14-03
Investigator final presentation by Yan Qi of Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville.
October 2018.

Utilization of AVL/GPS Technology: Case StudiesProject 16-01
Investigator final presentation by Ming-Shiun Lee and Dan Nelson of AECOM.
August 2018.

Emergency Operations Methodology for Extreme Winter Storm EventsProject 16-04
Investigator final presentation by Jim Sullivan of the University of Vermont.
June 2018.

Quantifying the Impact That New Capital Projects Will Have on Roadway Snow and Ice Control OperationsProject 14-02
Investigator final presentation by Jim Sullivan of the University of Vermont.
November 2017.

Identification and Recommendations for Correction of Equipment Factors Causing Fatigue in Snowplow OperatorsProject 15-02
Investigator final presentation by Matt Camden and Jeff Hickman of Virginia Tech.
October 2017.

North American Study on Contracting Snow and Ice ResponseProject 15-03
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of Montana State University.
December 2016.

Identifying Best Practices for Snowplow Route OptimizationProject 14-07
Investigator final presentation by Jonathan Dowds of the University of Vermont Transportation Research Center.
November 2016.

Plug-and-Play Initiative: Phase IIProject 14-04
Investigator final presentation by Scott Petersen of SRF Consulting Group.
November 2016.

Snow Removal Performance Metrics, Phase 1Project 14-05
Investigator final presentation by Xianming Shi of Washington State University.
June 2016.

Synthesis on GPS/AVL Equipment Used for Winter MaintenanceProject 14-01
Investigator final presentation by Adrian Potter, Clayton Bayer and Mark Gallagher of SRF Consulting.
May 2016.

Roadway Salt Best Management PracticesProject 14-10
Investigator final presentation by Wilfrid Nixon of the Salt Institute and Mark DeVries of Vaisala Inc.
December 2015.

Liquid Agricultural By-Products and Solid Complex Chloride/Mineral ProductsProject 13-02
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of the Western Transportation Institute.
November 2015.

Use of Equipment Lighting During Snowplow OperationsProject 14-06
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of the Western Transportation Institute.
October 2015.

Benefit-Cost of Various Winter Maintenance StrategiesProject 13-03
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of the Western Transportation Institute.
September 2015.

Snow and Ice Control Environmental Best Management Practices ManualProject 13-01
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of the Western Transportation Institute.
June 2015.

Best Practices for the Prevention of Corrosion to DOT Equipment: A User’s ManualProject 13-04
Investigator final presentation by Laura Fay of the Western Transportation Institute.
May 2015.

Development of a Totally Automated Spreader System Project 11-03
Investigator final presentation by Todd Thompson and Greg Thompson of Thompson Engineering Company.
May 2014.

Plug and Play InitiativeProject 12-06
Review of the proposed plug-and-play protocol by Bill Haley of FORCE America.
January 2014.

Clear Roads - Understanding the True Costs of Snow and Ice Control

Understanding the True Costs of Snow and Ice ControlProject 10-03
Investigator final presentation by Andrew Cadmus of Parsons Brinckerhoff.
December 2013.

Determining the Toxicity of Deicing MaterialsProject 11-02
Investigator final presentation by Keith Pilgrim of Barr Engineering Company.
December 2013.

Implementation Webinars

Entry-Level Driver Training Panel Discussion
Doug McLaughlin, Ohio DOT Statewide Training Supervisor.
November 2022

Maine DOT’s Experience Using the Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index (AWSSI)
Brian Burne, Maine DOT Highway Maintenance Engineer
June 2024

Product Proficiency Sample Program (PPSP) 
Jasmine Dondlinger, Highway Chemical Tests Manager, Nebraska DOT
November 2024 

Virginia DOT’s Experience with Stockpile Reports
AJ Younes, Contract Analyst / Severe Weather Team, Virginia DOT
December 2024 

Clear Roads Training Videos

Educational resources for plow operators, managers, and other snow and ice professionals.

Full-length video - Intersection Clearing Best Practices

Techniques for Plowing Complex InterchangesProject 14-03
An hour-long video that provides animated sequences of efficient plowing paths for 10 different interchange and intersection configurations (also available as a video series). A practice manual and reference cards complement the video training. 2018.

Training Video for Field Testing of Deicing MaterialsProject 10-01
A step-by-step instructional video that outlines the three levels of field testing that DOT staff can perform to determine the effectiveness of a deicing chemical. The video demonstrates the methodology used in the Field Guide for Testing Deicing Chemicals. 2012.

Multiple-Blade Plow Project

This project tested four innovative prototype snowplows capable of tackling a range of winter road conditions with the use of multiple blades. See the project page for more information.

Indiana DOT Prototype
Quad-camera footage of Indiana DOT’s multiple-blade plow prototype clearing snow. Video courtesy of Indiana DOT.

Iowa DOT Prototype
Footage of Iowa DOT’s multiple-blade plow prototype in action, including the squeegee blade effectively clearing slush and all three blades (carbide, scarifier and squeegee) working together to clear packed snow. Video courtesy of Iowa DOT. 2006-2007.

Iowa DOT – Road Before and After
Quad-camera view of Iowa DOT’s prototype clearing a snowy road. Video courtesy of Iowa DOT.

Iowa DOT – Slush Blade Removing Water
Footage of the slush blade clearing water from the road. Video courtesy of Iowa DOT.

Indiana DOT – Slush Blade Operation
Lowering and raising the slush blade on the Indiana prototype. Video courtesy of Indiana DOT.

Links: Winter Maintenance Videos

Winter maintenance videos from other agencies.

Public Safety/Informational
Arizona DOT at Work (AASHTO)
Winter Driving Survival Guide (AASHTO)

Operator Training
Winter Operations Training Series (Iowa DOT)
Tow Plow Training (Michigan DOT)