Utilization of AVL/GPS Technology: Case Studies


Much is known about what winter maintenance AVL/GPS technologies are available from different vendors as well as which highway agencies are making use of them. Among other sources, these have been documented through Clear Roads project 14-01: Synthesis on GPS/AVL Equipment Used for Winter Maintenance. However, highway agencies will significantly benefit from a deeper examination of winter maintenance AVL/GPS implementation.


The goal of this project was to help state DOTs make more informed decisions with respect to implementation of winter maintenance AVL/GPS.


Detailed agency case studies were developed in this project to bring to light more nuanced issues related to winter maintenance AVL/GPS. These case studies highlight the types of issues that agencies should consider, provide guidance for successful implementation, and can serve as templates to help agencies get the best value out of different levels of AVL/GPS applications.

The Final Webinar was held on August 31, 2018.

CR 16-01 -- Final Project Webinar - Utilization of AVL/GPS