Illinois Examines Snow Fence Design, Cost-Effectiveness

By preventing blowing snow from reaching the roadway, snow fences have proven to be an important tool for many state DOTs. In Illinois, two recent studies are helping IDOT refine its approach to snow fence design and better assess the fences’ cost-effectiveness.

A new benefit-cost analysis tool will help IDOT select locations for three fence types: living snow fences, structural snow fences and standing corn rows. For living snow fences, the research provides guidance on fence setback, orientation, height and porosity, as well as recommended plant species.

Read the research reports:

For more recent research on snow fences, see Reducing Uncertainties in Snow Fence Design: Development of Methods for Estimation of Snow Drifting and the Snow Relocation Coefficient, published by Iowa DOT in September 2020.

Image source: Iowa DOT