In selecting a material spreader, agencies have many choices: tailgate vs. slide-in, conveyor systems vs. augers, spinners vs. chutes, and more. Many spreaders have prewetting capabilities. Zero-velocity systems can help minimize bounce and scatter, as can add-ons like skirts and flaps. Clear Roads research aims to help agencies determine the most effective, cost-efficient system for their needs.
Specifications and Guidance
- Clear Roads Catalog of Spreader Types
- Clear Roads Automated Spreading System Guides
- Clear Roads Calibration Guide for Ground-Speed-Controlled and Manually Controlled Material Spreaders
Product Experiences
Every year, Clear Roads member states share the results of pilot-testing of winter maintenance products and materials that their agencies have conducted.
View product experiences for spreader equipment for 2006-2021. Products reviewed include:
- Bonnell tailgate spreader
- Henderson First Response System (slurry spreader)
- Henderson zero-velocity spreader
- Monroe salt slurry generator
- Salt skirts
- Scale-Tec Calibrator IV portable spreader calibration scale
Other Research and Resources
- Epoke Implementation Study (Ohio DOT, 2015) and Evaluation of Epoke Bulk Spreader for Winter Maintenance (Ohio DOT, 2013)
- Improved Deicing Methods for Snow and Ice Removal: Evaluation of the Epoke Sander/Spreader for Caltrans Operations (Caltrans, 2015)
- Measuring Salt Retention (Iowa DOT, 2013)
- Salt Bounce and Scatter Study (Michigan DOT, 2012)
- Snow and Ice Practices (Ohio DOT, 2011)
- Evaluation of the Monroe Slurry Maker (Maine DOT, 2009)
- Assessment of Soil and Wash Water Quality Beneath Salt-Spreader Racks (Virginia Transportation Research Council, 2008)