New Name, New Episode from SICOP Talks Winter Ops Podcast

AASHTO’s Snow and Ice Pooled Fund Cooperative Program (SICOP) is now the Winter Weather Management Technical Service Program. While this new name better reflects the group’s expanded focus on road weather management and maintenance operations, the popular Talkin’ Winter Ops podcast it produces will remain the same. Check out the newest episode: It’s About the Speed … Read more

New Clear Roads RFPs: Proposals due Sept. 8

Clear Roads is currently soliciting investigator proposals for four new research projects: Using Vegetation Management Practices Near Roads to Leverage the Benefits of Solar Radiation Updating the Impact of Capital Projects Decision Support Tool Quantifying the Economic Value of Snow and Ice Operational Success Development of a Public Service Announcement Library To view the details of … Read more

Clear Roads Selects 2023 Research Projects

At its 2023 spring meeting, the Clear Roads Technical Advisory Committee reviewed new research proposals and selected projects to fund. This year, the committee selected eight projects: Development of a Public Service Announcement Library Quantifying the Economic Value of Snow and Ice Operational Success Update to CR 14-02: Quantifying the Impact that New Capital Projects … Read more

New Clear Roads RFP: Proposals Due April 7

Clear Roads has posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a new research project: pH Waiver for Deicing Products and the Qualified Products List MnDOT requests responses for a Clear Roads project that will develop guidance to help determine the appropriate pH range for deicing products included on the Clear Roads Qualified Products List (QPL), … Read more

New Clear Roads RFPs: Proposals due Sept. 3

Clear Roads is currently soliciting investigator proposals for six new research projects: Grip Sensor Technology and Salt Applications Best Practices for Protecting DOT Equipment from the Corrosion Effect of Chemical Deicers (Update to CR 13-04) Training Module Development for CR 18-03: Evaluation of SSI and WSI Variables Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Technologies and Alternative Fuels for … Read more