Call for Presentations: 2024 North American Snow Conference

Interested in sharing your knowledge, experience, and vision for the future? Organizers of the 2024 North American Snow Conference are looking for public works professionals with new perspectives, solid best practices or innovative twists to winter maintenance, workforce development, and operations. The 2024 conference will feature presentations on the following aspects of winter operations: information … Read more

New Episodes of SICOP Talks Winter Ops Podcast Available

AASHTO’s SICOP Talks Winter Ops podcast addresses a variety of cutting-edge topics in recent episodes: Alternative Fuels for Winter Maintenance – Part 1 (Episode 70): A recently completed Clear Roads synthesis project, 21-05: Evaluation of EVT and Alternative Fuels for Winter Operations provided a comprehensive review of fuel alternatives for maintenance fleets. Project champion Justin Droste … Read more

Winter Maintenance at the 2023 TRB Meeting

Clear Roads has prepared a listing of technical sessions and posters related to winter maintenance that were presented at the 2023 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. The list includes nearly two dozen papers and posters, with links to presentation materials. The sessions covered a wide range of winter maintenance topics, including materials, equipment, technology and … Read more

New Clear Roads RFP: Proposals Due April 7

Clear Roads has posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a new research project: pH Waiver for Deicing Products and the Qualified Products List MnDOT requests responses for a Clear Roads project that will develop guidance to help determine the appropriate pH range for deicing products included on the Clear Roads Qualified Products List (QPL), … Read more

New Podcast Episodes from SICOP Talks Winter Ops

AASHTO’s SICOP Talks Winter Ops podcast tackles a variety of topics in recent episodes: Potholes and other leftovers from winter storms (Episode 67): Greg Duncan from Tennessee DOT shares his experiences with potholes and other roadside issues caused by winter weather. February 2023. Podcast. Implementing Snow and Ice Control Performance Measures (Episode 66): Caleb Dobbins, SICOP … Read more

New Clear Roads Synthesis Report: Avoiding Corrosion of Electrical Connectors

A recent Clear Roads synthesis project surveyed state DOTs with winter maintenance programs about their best practices for avoiding corrosion of electrical connectors. Common agency practices for reducing corrosion include installing a waterproof or weatherproof connector, using dielectric silicone and dielectric grease for sealing connections, and applying a heat shrink tubing to cover the crimped … Read more

New Clear Roads Research: Maximizing the Value of Vehicle Technology Systems

Using Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technologies throughout the year can help justify the expenses of purchasing and installing them in maintenance vehicles and training staff to use them. Many AVL/GPS systems have applications that extend beyond winter maintenance practices, increasing the benefits and value of these technologies. This Clear Roads … Read more

New Clear Roads Research: Evaluating Indoor Automated Stockpile Measurement Systems

Many state and local transportation agencies with winter maintenance programs purchase their road salt before the winter season to secure the best prices and assure availability. However, measuring and monitoring the quantity of salt in widely distributed stockpiles—including many sites without regular staff on-site—can be both challenging and time-consuming. This Clear Roads project examined a … Read more

National Survey Compiles Eight Years of Winter Maintenance Data

Clear Roads has published its eighth Annual Survey of State Winter Maintenance Data, which compiles data on winter resources, materials and costs from 36 states for the 2021-2022 winter season. The interactive spreadsheet-based tool includes a United States map that displays many of these metrics.  

Clear Roads RFPs: Proposals Due January 6

Clear Roads has reposted Request for Proposals (RFP) for two research projects: Effects of Additives in Deicing Salts at Lower Temperatures Best Management Practices for Liquid Chloride Storage and Pumping Systems To view the details of these RFPs, please visit MnDOT’s Professional Technical Consultant Services page. The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, January 6, 2023.