Clear Roads Now Solicits Research Ideas Year-Round

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Do you have a winter maintenance problem that you think research can solve? Submit your problem statement now and it could become a Clear Roads research project. Anyone in the winter maintenance community can submit their idea and have it considered by the Clear Roads Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Clear Roads funds research that addresses … Read more

Clear Roads Wins 2023 Chloride Reduction Leadership Award

The Salt Symposium is an annual event that brings industry leaders together to share and discuss new developments and research initiatives that aim to reduce the environmental impacts of chlorides. At this year’s Salt Symposium on August 1-2, Clear Roads received one of six 2023 Chloride Reduction Leadership Awards in recognition of its efforts to … Read more

New Name, New Episode from SICOP Talks Winter Ops Podcast

AASHTO’s Snow and Ice Pooled Fund Cooperative Program (SICOP) is now the Winter Weather Management Technical Service Program. While this new name better reflects the group’s expanded focus on road weather management and maintenance operations, the popular Talkin’ Winter Ops podcast it produces will remain the same. Check out the newest episode: It’s About the Speed … Read more

New Clear Roads RFPs: Proposals due Sept. 8

Clear Roads is currently soliciting investigator proposals for four new research projects: Using Vegetation Management Practices Near Roads to Leverage the Benefits of Solar Radiation Updating the Impact of Capital Projects Decision Support Tool Quantifying the Economic Value of Snow and Ice Operational Success Development of a Public Service Announcement Library To view the details of … Read more

Clear Roads Featured at National Showcase

In June, AASHTO’s Snow and Ice Pooled Fund Cooperative Program (SICOP), Maintenance Committee and Maintenance Operations Technical Working Group jointly held its 4th National Briefing on Winter Maintenance and Road Weather to showcase the activities of the various organizations dedicated to winter and year-round transportation maintenance. Clear Roads’ Chair, Craig Bargfrede of Iowa DOT, provided an … Read more

Clear Roads Updates Submission Process for its Qualified Products List

Clear Roads’ Qualified Products List (QPL) is a repository of winter maintenance deicing products that have been scientifically tested and meet specification requirements for inclusion on the QPL. To make it easier for vendors to submit their products for review and reduce administrative delays, Clear Roads has developed a new online submission form that, once … Read more

New Podcast Episodes from SICOP Talks Winter Ops

Check out these recent episodes from AASHTO’s SICOP Talks Winter Ops podcast: Designing in Salt Reduction (Episode 72): What role does design play in reducing salt usage? In this episode, experts in engineering and design discuss how road geometry, vegetation and other winter-sensitive considerations can maximize solar radiation and minimize drifting snow, reducing the need … Read more

New Clear Roads Synthesis Report: Transitioning to Fleets Powered by Alternative Fuels

There are a variety of issues that should be considered before an agency replaces its existing fleet of diesel-fueled winter maintenance vehicles and equipment with versions that run on electric vehicle technologies (EVT) or alternative fuels. To help agencies understand the available technologies and related operational considerations of transitioning their fleet, a new Clear Roads … Read more

Clear Roads Selects 2023 Research Projects

At its 2023 spring meeting, the Clear Roads Technical Advisory Committee reviewed new research proposals and selected projects to fund. This year, the committee selected eight projects: Development of a Public Service Announcement Library Quantifying the Economic Value of Snow and Ice Operational Success Update to CR 14-02: Quantifying the Impact that New Capital Projects … Read more

New Clear Roads Research: Evaluating high-performance plow blades

A variety of factors can affect a snowplow blade’s long-term performance, making it difficult for an agency to determine which blades are the most cost-effective overall. By developing a field test protocol and cost-benefit analysis methodology, the new research will make it easier for Clear Roads agencies to evaluate and compare blades in the future … Read more