New Clear Roads Research: Training Module Development for Evaluation of Storm Severity Index and Winter Severity Index Variables

Clear Roads project 18-03, Evaluation of SSI and WSI Variables, produced a step-by-step guide and flowchart tool to help agencies identify or develop severity index methods to fit their needs and available data sources.

As estimating the impact of weather on roadway maintenance resources is becoming an increasingly important issue for agencies across the country, a recently completed Clear Roads project, 21-04, produced additional training modules geared toward three key audiences: division directors, snow and ice managers, and supervisors.

New Clear Roads Research: Update to CR 13-04 – Best Practices for Protecting DOT Equipment from the Corrosion Effect of Chemical Deicers

Maintenance equipment exposed to chloride deicers can quickly corrode, presenting a common challenge for transportation agencies across the country. In 2015, Clear Roads project 13-04 published a Manual of Best Practices to compile the various products agencies use as well as guidance for preventing corrosion on highway maintenance equipment.

Clear Roads Featured at National Briefing

Last month, AASHTO’s Winter Weather Management Technical Services Program, Maintenance Committee and Maintenance Operations Technical Working Group jointly held its 5th National Briefing on Winter Maintenance and Road Weather to showcase the activities of the various organizations dedicated to winter and year-round transportation maintenance.