Entry-Level CDL Training Materials

A new federal rule is changing how transportation agencies train equipment operators who need to obtain or upgrade a commercial driver’s license (CDL). To help agencies comply with the new requirements, Clear Roads has developed entry-level CDL training materials for instructor-led classroom and behind-the-wheel training. Available as a free download for any state or local … Read more

Proficiency Testing Program for Labs

Clear Roads is partnering with AASHTO re:source to help laboratories improve and standardize their testing protocols for materials used for anti-icing/deicing applications. Read more.

National Survey Compiles Eighth Year of Winter Maintenance Data

We’ve published our eighth Annual Survey of State Winter Maintenance Data, which compiles winter resources, material and cost data from 39 states for the 2021-2022 winter season. The spreadsheet includes all submitted data, as well as calculated statistics, winter severity index data, and a United States map that displays many of these metrics. The spreadsheet … Read more