Identifying the Parameters for Effective Implementation of Liquid-Only Plow Routes

Liquid Snow Removal


More information is needed on the use of liquid-only routes for snow and ice removal. The focus of this study was to identify parameters for the safe and effective use of liquid-only routes during winter storm events and to assess the viability of and make recommendations for field-testing.


The objectives of this project were to conduct a literature search and survey to identify public agencies (state DOTs, provinces, cities, countries, etc.) with experience using liquid routes. Researchers were also expected to follow up with the most experienced agencies to collect additional observations based on the 2009-10 winter season. Using these resources, the researcher was able to identify what circumstances and methods had proven most effective for using liquid routes during winter storm events.


This project identified the optimal circumstances and most effective methods for using liquid routes during winter storm events. The researcher produced a quick-reference guide for practitioners that outlined the safe and effective parameters at a glance. The final report also included recommendations on how to field test and verify the recommended practices.

See the feature article in the September 2011 issue of Roads & Bridges magazine.