Calculating Plow Cycle Times from AVL Data


How often does a snowplow cycle through a given point on a highway? This is a question that changes based on weather and road conditions, but a long term average of this data would be an interesting and useful metric for snow and ice performance evaluation, route optimization, and resource allocation.


The goal of this project was to develop a methodology to calculate plow cycle times, considering various relevant factors. This methodology can be used to create the framework for a visualization tool that agencies can format with their own electronic data.


By developing a methodology for this calculation and an online tool to visualize the data, agencies have the ability to track snowplows in real-time and make operational adjustments as needed to maximize efficiency. Additionally, agencies have greater insight for post-storm analyses, performance evaluations, route optimization strategies, and resource allocation efforts while leveraging data they likely already collect during the course of their routine winter maintenance activities.

The Final Project Webinar was conducted on February 14, 2024.