The Clear Roads Technical Advisory Committee met April 13-15 to select research projects for 2021 funding. The TAC selected seven new projects:
- Grip Sensor Technology and Salt Applications
- Best Practices for Protecting DOT Equipment from the Corrosive Effects of Chemical Deicers (Update to CR 13-04)
- Efficacy and Environmental Impact of Non-Chloride Deicers
- Training Module Development for CR 18-03: Evaluation of SSI and WSI Variables
- Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Technologies for Winter Operations
- Calculating Plow Cycle Times from AVL Data
- Determining the Migration of Chloride-Based Deicers Through Different Soil Types Adjacent to Chloride-Treated Roadways
More information about these projects is available in the 2021 All Proposed Projects summary. Requests for investigator proposals for the seven new projects will be posted this summer.
The agenda, budget and minutes from the spring meeting are available on the Clear Roads Meetings page.
Image source: Minnesota DOT