Planning: Weather

Agencies need consistent, accurate weather information to guide their deployment of winter maintenance crews. Understanding weather trends is also a critical part of long-term planning and budgeting. Toward that end, Clear Roads has undertaken several research projects that aim to make winter severity indexes a more valuable tool for states. Other Clear Roads research has focused on weather forecasting and reconstructing storm events.



Web-Based Tools


Weather Severity Maps


Product Experiences

Every year, Clear Roads member states share the results of pilot-testing of winter maintenance products and materials that their agencies have conducted.

Products reviewed include:

  • AccuWeather SkyGuard Online
  • High Sierra temperature sensor
  • Lufft USA multi-parameter weather sensors
  • Maintenance decision support systems
  • PreCise temperature sensor
  • Vaisala RWIS station
  • Vaisala temperature sensor
  • WeatherCloud temperature sensor
  • WeatherSentry Online


Other Research and Resources