Snow Removal Performance Metrics


Winter maintenance performance measurement and establishment of service standards are essential ingredients for DOTs in benchmarking success. All state DOTs measure their snow removal success in some way or another, but measures are often inconsistent and it’s difficult to determine if existing measures are accurately assessing the success of winter maintenance programs. In 2007, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) undertook a comprehensive study of performance measures and processes. The results were published in NCHRP Web-Only Document 136: Performance Measures for Snow and Ice Control Operations. The information in that report needs to be updated.


The objective was to identify and understand the snow removal performance metrics currently in use by the snow and ice states. Clear Roads wanted to know how snow and ice states are measuring their accomplishments and how they are communicating their levels of success both internally and externally. Further, Clear Roads wanted to identify commonalities and differences between agencies in order to develop a matrix of performance measures, which can be used by agencies to assist them in achieving their winter maintenance goals.


A matrix of snow removal performance measures, along with recommendations for scoping a Phase 2 project, which will help agencies develop and implement a performance measurement program.

The final webinar took place June 30, 2016.